Grow Tent Setup and Reviews
Our Grow Tent Setup site has been developed to provide accurate and realistic advice on how to maximize your legal home cannabis grow room. The goal of this site is to walk the average person through the process of growing high quality indoor cannabis.
We provide step by step information on setting up your growing system, how to grow different types of strains and creating different forms of extracts for consumption. The information provided on this site is all based on our research and experience. Each topic that is covered has been tested with our own 4 plant, fully legal, recreational grow tent. We have broken the site into 3 main sections; advice for growers, product reviews and the THC and CBD extraction processes.

Building your Grow Room
Learn about the best products on the market and how to set them up. We have provided real-life testing and results of the different options to dial in your ventilation, humidity, watering, lights, seeds, and tents to maximize indoor tent growing potential.
Grow Tent Kits
Learn about all the different pre-package grow tent kit options
Build Your Own
Learn how to build your own custom grow room
Select the right blowers, fans, air intake and more
Learn about the best products and strategies to help create the ideal humidity levels
You can’t grow without water. Learn your mixtures and temperatures for the perfect grow
With so many types and wattage’s find out whats best for your room
Diagnosing and Solving Issues
Setting up a Grow Tent and making sure it provides you with the results you want takes time and information. In this section we discuss all the major subjects involved in helping your cannabis growing experience be the amazing success you are looking for.
Clones & Clippings
Learn about hydro, soil, coco fiber and more…
Growing Medium
Its not just about nutrients, its also about finding the perfect temperature for your watering system
Humidity Controls
Learn when its good to have high humidity and when it will wreck your crop
Temperature Controls
Build your own or get a pre-made. Figure out whats best for you.
Learn how to create a mother plant or simply pull clones from vegetation
Build your own or get a pre-made. Figure out whats best for you.
THC and CBD extraction processes
Growing your cannabis is just the first step in consuming your product. Once grown, there are many ways to extract the THC and CBD from the cannabis plant. Below are instructions on how to get the most from your growing endeavor.

Learn about the Decarboxylation process to maximize potency

Cannabis Butter
Learn how to make proper dosages for your cannabis butter

Cannabis Honey
Learn how to make yummy honey with a kick