Cannabis Honey
The first step in creating the perfect cannabis honey is to decarboxylate your cannabis flower. We have provided instructions on how to decarboxylate your cannabis.
Now that you have your decarboxylated cannabis you are ready to start making your cannabis honey.

1 – You will need cheese cloth, mason jars with lids, 15 grams of decarboxylated ground cannabis flower, 2 cups of all-natural honey, pair of scissors, crook pot, metal strainer and water.

2 – Cut your cheese cloth into three squares. Cut three strips of cheese cloth to be used to tie off the satchels.

3 – Place 5 grams of decarboxylated cannabis flower into cheese cloth and tie off with cheese cloth strips to create a sealed satchel.

4 – Place each satchel into the Mason jars and fill ¾ full.

5 – Seal mason jars and place into crook pot. Fill crook pot with water just until the water line passes the height of the honey. Do not fill up to or past the lid. Place of low heat for 8 hours.

6 – Remove mason jars using a oven mitt. Remove the lip to release the pressure and stir the cannabis satchel ever hour.

7 – Once the cannabis honey has cooked for 8 hours in the crook pot remove the mason jars and let cool for 5 minutes. Once cooled remove the lids and strain the satchels through a metal strainer to get all the honey out. By removing the satchels, you will free up room in each mason jay. Once this is done all the honey from the 3 jars will now fit into 2 jars.
Now you are ready to enjoy your decarboxylated cannabis infused honey. Quick tip, save the satchels and freeze for later, They are great to drop into a pot of tea!